
 Please Read The Letter Below Completely To Find Out What This Means And How You Can Be In Direct Contact With Your Archangels (And Get Their Messages) Within The Next 24 Hours...

You see, your Archangels have been watching over you since birth, but haven't been able to communicate with you in person...

Until now.

We want to help you connect with them completely, so you can finally hear the secret instructions and messages they've been holding for you and you alone...

But first, let's introduce you to your three angels, in person 

These three angels choose you on the day you were born, based on the exact way the heavens were aligned at that moment in time. That is why we were able to locate them, by reversing the process, once we knew your birthdate, your full name at birth, and your initials.

There are three types of angels who have chosen to watch over you

You have a Life Path Guiding Archangel, an Akashic Archangel, and a Guardian Archangel, and they all serve different functions in the way they guide and guard you in this lifetime.

Here's your first meeting and glimpse of them:

Your Life Path Guiding Archangel is Archangel Raziel

This Archangel is in charge of all Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons in your life. We found this particular angel based on your Birth Date, and they want you to know that they are very proud of how you've met the challenges and lesson in your life so far...and want to tell you about some opportunities you have coming up on the horizon (very soon)!

Your Akashic Archangel is Archangel Ariel

This Archangel is in charge of your Personal History...from your Past Lives, up until the moment of your birth (known as your Akashic Records). This angel revealed itself when we knew your full name at birth, and wants you to know that there is much about your past life that is heavily affecting what is happening for you right now.

This Archangel keeps watch over how you deal with Life Challenges. It is there every time you need to overcome a particular challenge connected to love, family, or work... especially in times of emotional turmoil. This angel was located when we tied your initials into your Birth Date and Birth Name, and they will be crucial for helping you overcome the challenges that are in your immediate future, if you can keep your bond with them strong.

Now that you've met your three Archangels, who have been keeping watch over you since the day you were born, I have to tell you...

...where everything has been faithfully recorded for you, and held in reserve for you to discover, since the day you were born!

Inside this book is the full meaning of each of your Archangel's names...their roles and history since ancient times...AND their "Sigils."

The Sigil, or Symbol of each your three Archangels can be drawn on paper, or carved or imprinted on a talisman (or even jewelry) to invoke their presence, help and guidance whenever you should need it.

The Stone or Gem each of your Archangels have an affinity for (so you can carry or wear this on your person to share their affinity)
Which Planet your Archangels rule over (it will be interesting to see if any them have always been important to you for some "unknown reason")
Which Animal your Archangels have been appearing to you as (which you've probably noticed as frequent visitors during your life, but never known why)

There is also an Animal Spirit Guide Message from your Archangels, which you will be able to read in full.

These invocations are only about a paragraph long, and thus are easily memorized in order to use whenever you would like to sit down and fully connect with any of your three Archangels...

Of course, if you need to read them from paper at first, they won't mind - Angels understand their invocations no matter how you say them!

We encourage you to print out or write down the invocations, so you can have them on hand whenever you may need them.

Last but not least...

There is a one-page personal message to you from each of your three Archangels, that includes why they chose to become a part of your life, and what you can call on them for, +now that you are aware of their presence.

We're going to show you how to get your Book of Archangels delivered directly to your inbox, so that you can finally see everything inside that is meant for you, and you alone...but first!

There are two more very powerful ways we have procured for you to be able to connect to your Three Archangels today.

1. We've asked a very special lady to create a Guided Meditation for you to use, which will allow you to create a Sacred Space to connect with your individual Archangels in person.


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